Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Good Life

First here are some cute pictures of Herbert!

This weekend we drove down to Falmouth for me to start my second term! I can't believe how fast it's gone it's crazy. Mum and dad stayed in a hotel by the river and Phoebe stayed with me which was really nice. We drove down with my friend Jess and the journey seemed surprisingly quick with only one stop in Exeter. After 'unpacking' we went to Asda to stock up on food! I bought so much fruit and veg, good start to the year (healthy eating) then we went to mum and dads hotel after watching a few episodes of outnumbered in my room. 

We went out for dinner at a beautiful thai restaurant and had yummy food, pictured below green curry with coconut rice and thai fragrant rice, thai style rice with vegetables and I had thai noodles with vegetables and peanuts! The weather was horrible so dad ended up running back for the car for us to jump in from the restaurant door. 

The next day me and Phoebe woke up and had pain au chocolats whilst watching some more outnumbered (the older series of corse). We then all went out for lunch by the sea and then drove back to campus. My friend cooked for me stuffed aubergine with sweet potato rice which was yuuum!

when you're a student you have to take this stuff...

 me and mum loved all the windows

 Walking down the highstreet in the rain

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