Sunday, 26 January 2014

Classic Sunday...

...I wish! 

This photo is just a random shot I took looking at my room from standing in the bathroom, I just looked over whilst brushing my teeth and got an overwhelming feeling of I'm not really sure what maybe surreal-ness (I know not a word!). Suddenly after a year of knowing I would be at Falmouth, which I never expected to get into, I was standing in a room I have only had for a term and a bit, looking at my laptop with my falmouth log in page and it suddenly just felt all too real and ... mind blown! haha! This won't seem significant to anybody else as but I'm sure everybody had there own "surreal" moments. When they happen to you, they are warm and fuzzy and just pretty amazing. I remember my interview with my mum and the day started off so badly, I had a terrible feeling about it but then everything became exciting as I was being shown round. Then we went to pizza express...don't really need to say anymore apart from I had to loosen my belt as I ate so much :/

Banana pancake made with one banana and two eggs, with raspberries and blueberries

Last night there was a free (woo) party at the stannary which music wise was definitely the best, old school hip hop all the way. Came back to find our recycling in rather full...don't worry mum they're not mine!

A beautiful 50's looking hat I found in a charity shop in Falmouth, I can't wait to use it for some photos!

Watching The Darjeeling Limited with Hannah...

...feeling lazy...

...and of course doing "crafts"

Hannah's very beautiful branch with paper flowers, we felt quite guilty tearing the branches down hoping no one would spot us.

Looking pretty proud of her creation!

The most encouraging overwhelmingly lovely letter from my amazing friend Maisie, I couldn't help but smile as I was reading it! Take a look at Maisie's amazing films

Pressed flowers

Hannah looking out the window at the amazing sky...

 After this me and Hannah went on Facetime to my family and said hello to Herby the hedgehog and watched dad do magic tricks :)

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