Tuesday, 21 January 2014

A New Term


This was I have obviously over exposed/not got the focus right but I quite like it...

Starting back at uni has been particularly hard, there is so much going on in the first term that you almost don't have any time to think and it's strange coming back having had christmas to settle back into home luxuries and living with your family. The first few weeks haven't been great just adjusting again BUT things are better and I feel more positive with starting back! After a week of not having a lot of motivation I can see the benefits and opportunities that uni offers and will try to make the most of them (I always say that :/)
We have a studio project at the moment and these are some of the photos I have been taking, just experimenting with light, they are all very dark so I am hoping to try out some more "high key" (fancy) basically brighter photos. I'm trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about which clearly I do not.
All my film photos came out which I am happy about (at the top) as I did not expect them to!
I have also learnt/realised that it doesn't matter if I am producing work at the moment that I don't like or that isn't very good (as shown above) because it's about improving and everybody has to start somewhere, and when you do get something that you like it's even better :)

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