Saturday, 21 June 2014

Magical Falmouth

What a great year! 

I can't believe it's the end, I definitely have massive love for Falmouth, everyone told me I would what an amazing place it is but I don't think I quite comprehended how good this first year would be! I have the spent the last year exploring quirky cafes, going on picturesque walks, making lots of banana ice-cream, getting down in mango's, having too much fun at the Stannary events and then forgetting them, and then having tea and toast :) or a "cheese toasty", cocktails at the shed, days on the beach, crafts with Hannah, amazing sundays at church, early morning jogs to the harbour, throwing paint in the golden light, walking an hour back to campus after a night out, and a bit of work….Bring on year two!! 

Improvised chopping board

aw man what a view!

Woodlane campus gardens

Our new road!!

The yellow house!

Penryn harbour

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