Thursday, 5 June 2014

Dartmoor, Newton Abbot, Bristol

This week has been so refreshing, having basically finished the first year at Falmouth it was nice to go on a little adventure with Hannah and a little surprise visit home before leaving Falmouth for the summer! We went to go and stay with our freshers week flatmate Grace in Newton Abbot and spend some time with her. We literally ran to the station from campus and managed to get on the train just in time, to travel two hours north. Travelling back and to Falmouth now means that any other train journey seems so short in comparison.



We made it to Grace's and took a trip across the moors which were beautiful!

Look at the excitement in that face




Some goats trying to eat Grace's hair

Selfie with a goat


We had some entertainment while we were there

Pimm's O'clock

Buckfast Abbey

This cheesecake looked sooo good!

Tea for three

We were probably the only people under 30

Riverford! Worth a visit


Eagerly waiting for our food 
This was soo good...radish, tomatoe salad with grilled cabbage and asparagus

My main...goats cheese and butternut squash tart

 And the best bit...pudding mmm

Best choice by far...sticky toffee pudding

We sat by some lovely people during dinner!

Our dinner friends


Train back to Bristol

I then had a cosy night in with mum and Phoebe and watched Pirates of the Caribbean, maybe falling asleep half way through to wake up to Phoebe holding up her hedgehog singing the Lion King song!

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