Friday, 15 August 2014

Galaxy, Wine and Cheese

Not a very exciting post on the photo front but I wanted to write about what I've been up to so I can remember with my lack of photos, sometimes it's nice to just be and not be documenting everything. 
We had a little gathering at my friends house and times have changed with the sophistication of our wine and cheese opposed to spirits and pizza….although there was still lots of chocolate and sweets which I obliged in after having eaten a whole large bar of galaxy to myself at the cinema where me and my friend watched the Inbetweeners 2…in which I put away the chocolate half way through, if you've seen it you'll know why! It was a lovely evening of catching up, lots of wine was drank. 
Today we all went for brunch in the very classy weatherspoons where some of Bristols finest gather to drink pints at 11 in the morning :/ I wish I had taken a few photos. I had a yummy breakfast of banana and honey porridge mmm…

Pinboard for my new room in Falmouth

Letter from my beautiful friend Maisie who is away in America for the whole summer!


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