Saturday, 22 March 2014

Burrito's, Cupcakes and Wes Anderson

A cheeky photos of my breakfast the other the illusion that I'm a really healthy individual, as learnt in my lectures on semiotics "a photo is a lie" 

This is a really bad drawing of an amazing mint and cucumber lemonade drink I had the other day whilst catching up with my beautiful and lovely friend Abi, who doesn't break up from uni for another 4 weeks when I have to go back to Falmouth so we completely miss each other but thankfully we're able to find a day we were both back in Bristol before the summer! 

Yesterday I had a lovely drink and catch up with my good friend Zoe who is amazing and so so lovely!

Today me and Maisie had quite an indulgent day lunching at mission burrito, then heading to a tea shop for some yummy cupcakes and then heading to the cinema to watch "The Grand Budapest Hotel" which I recommend to anyone and everyone.

Maisie's black forest cupcake...

my peanut butter one!

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