Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Interior Spaces continued

These photos are going to be presented in a magazine/book form with the portraits from the last post...

A few photos using my makeshift studio a la uni desk light...

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Nature and the Interior Space

I have resorted to self portraits for this project as it means I can shoot spontaneously and take as long as I want without thinking about being quick. I wanted to try and combine plants/nature and the interior space ... like always I have started to get into this project right at the end, so it is going to be a busy week of photographing. The next photos will not be of me, thank goodness haha!

Sunday, 24 November 2013


This weekend has been really lovely, a much needed pick me up from a hard week of stressing abut work! I assisted a very talented third year photographer on a photoshoot with 7 models, it was really interesting and I loved the cinematic look she was going for. Then I met a with a friend for coffee and a catch up and my phone died so meeting up was going to be hit or miss but thankfully she found me in the coffee shop. (I cant believe how dependant on my phone I am!) We went to this amazing cafe called 'Jam' which had loads of old camera's, records and lots of photography books- amazing for inspiration! I really want to try out all the little quirky cafe's in Falmouth as there are lots...Dolly's, Jam and Hang Ten have been crossed off the list but there are a lot more. We were actually looking for 'Good Vibes' another cool looking cafe which we only found later that day. Me and my flatmate then went for some amazing burgers in a cure but freezing restaurant before going to watch the Hunger Games. The cinema was packed. Have just come back from church with some lovely people and am excited for the week ahead...and seeing my family on the weekend!

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Ria looking out the window

Nazy's really cute cat

 It rains all the time in falmouth!