Thursday, 31 October 2013

Being Productive

These are some photos I did inspired by fashion editorials which make everything look pretty and romanticise scenes...I love this style of photography but needed to find an interesting concept in which to use it, so decided to combine it with the contrast of the bruised face giving ambiguity.

Film Photos

After having one film not develop properly (learning from my mistakes) I developed my second film taken here...these are the results.


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Ethereal Aesthetics

Looking at the out of place to see how the viewer reacts to the photos and what they first notice about them. I tried to create a dreamy ethereal look to "romanticise" the atmosphere, combined with the contrast of the black eyed subjects to give an eery feel to them. I think that by doing this the viewer can make up their own story about these people, why do they have black eyes, what is the story behind them, are the visuals a false reality. It's almost as if the black eyes give something away and open up the question to whether photos aren't always truthful about the people in them.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I wanted to look at how much the aesthetics of the photo play importance in how we view an image. Here I have tried to distract from the black eye with a soft etherial look. Unfortunately the light was fading away so I would love to try this again in better light!

Taken in the amazing gardens on Tremough campus, I wanted to use the beautiful colours of bruises set in an out of context way using a "romantic" looking style which gives uneasy viewing. I wanted to see whether the aesthetics would out way the negative connotations of the bruised eye.

I feel like this photo shoot really didn't work, I wanted to use flash as I really hate using it, but also wanted to see if I could achieve a "soft" effect with not much success. It was interesting to see the effect it gave and helped me to experiment with my camera.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Lipstick Bruises

I have been trying to work on this concept of creating a beautiful photo from something quite disturbing! I have had a lack of inspiration so these are just some quick shots I took to try and spark off something. It's really hard trying to create work that you wouldn't normally produce, but I have been trying to look at things that I would usually disregard or choose not to photograph.